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Roasted Grilled BBQ Chicken Breast

Roasted Grilled BBQ Chicken Breast
Roasted Grilled BBQ Chicken Breast

Roasted Grilled BBQ Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is a simple and popular ingredient, but it's also easy to mess up. But once you master the right cooking method, you can try your own innovative recipes, marinades, and spices!
Serves:1-2 People"
Cook Time:0 - 30 Min
Seasoning:Soy sauce, sugar, pepper cumin, chopped parsley, corn starch, salt, chili powder
Food ingredients:Chicken Breast, Green Lemon, Potatoes, Garlic, Mushrooms, Tomatoes
Roasted Grilled BBQ Chicken Breast
Roasted Grilled BBQ Chicken Breast

Use equipment

London Sunshine Kamado - The Cadet Series - 13"


Step One

Prepare a chicken breast and a green lemon. You can choose your favorite side dishes. I prepared potatoes, half garlic, mushrooms, and small tomatoes.

Step Two

Prepare 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, appropriate amount of sugar and pepper cumin, chopped parsley, corn starch, and salt. Pour into a bowl and add some chili powder. Put the chicken breast into a bowl and give the chicken a comprehensive massage. After massage and grasping, let it stand for half an hour. It is best to refrigerate overnight.

Step Three

Use Big Block block charcoal to ignite your Kamado Joe at a temperature of 550-600°. You can use an accessory holder to place the heat transfer plate at the middle tear. The other is to perform the above settings on the grid of the middle layer

Step Four

In order to achieve 550-600°F, I would open both middle and bottom vents until you reach desired temps. Then adjust your settings to stabilize for desired temp.

Step Five

Add the chicken breast and side dishes. The baking time at 550-600 ° F is approximately 12 minutes.

Step Six

When the time is up, take out the chicken and vegetables and let them sit for a while before serving. When eating, squeeze the green lemon juice onto the meat, and the taste will be more refreshing.